Sunday, April 3, 2016

Preparing for the future - Alec Ross - AI, robotics and importance of life-long learning

Brilliant video, explaining the rise of AI and the importance of being a lifelong leading learner.

Key take-aways:

  1. "Disruption": from the technologies in your reality now that weren't available 3 - 5 years ago. How is this going to change the way the users access the service you're providing (or the value chain you're part of?)
  2. If you're a largely services economy (as Australia is) - what percentage of your workforce is in easily replicable / replaceable knowledge jobs eg AI, robotics and learning
  3. This video reminds me of something that Sam Altman from Y Combinator said during his Blitzscaling talk: "I think if you could pick one thing to do that would help the poorest half of the world the most tomorrow you would pick friendly superhuman intelligence". 

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